And there are 4 different ways of entering the drawing, so that means you have FOUR chances to win this FABULOUS cartridge.
#1 – Simply start following our blog by clicking on the link on the left hand side and then leave a comment.
#2 – Place a link to our blog and/or website or one of our blinkies (found on the right hand side with the code) on your page and then leave a comment here.
#3 – Blog about our giveaway with a link on your blog and/or forum and post a comment here.
#4 – Preorder any of the other 7 new Cricut® cartridges and leave a comment here with your order #.
We will be drawing and annoucing the winner Friday, August 21st. So hurry and get your entries in now.
This looks like a pretty awesome cartridge! Thanks for the chance to win it.
I would love to win this cartridge then I could pretend I was little playing with my paper dolls!
Everyday Paper Dolls! Awesome!!
I enjoy your blog and your shop (waiting for my new cart i ordered a few days ago!)
Thanks for this wonder opportunity to win!
Ok, I'm officially a follower!! I've had great customer service from JuJuBees in the past and will be ordering again soon!! Thanks for the giveaway chance!!
This cartridge is so CUTE! There is alot of things I can do with this one. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.
ohhhhhhhhhh, maybe this is the comment section..
See if it works...
Hope THIS is the place for the comment about the cartridges/winning/following/
Thank you for an awesome opportunity!! Your blog is really cute....look forward to visiting often!!
Great giveaway!! Thank you for the chance to win a wonderful new cartridge!
I'm following your blog now. It is great by the way. Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful cartridge
Would love to win!! I'm trying to sign up to follow, but it's not letting me--I'll keep trying!
woohoo..I can leave a message now! Just wanted to say thank you for the chance to win such an awesome gift. I have had my eye on this one but haven't took the plunge yet..hope I win! :)
Ohhh! I have been wanting this cartridge. Thanks for the chance to win. I just signed up to follow your blog.
I'm also now a follower of this blog.
I've only had gr8 customer service, when ordering from your website.
Keep up the excellent work, and I hope I get to win the awesome cartridge!
I so want this cartridge. I am now a follower.
OOOH, I want one!! I left a blinkie on my blog! Great giveaway!
I now have your blinkies on my blog.
Added your blinky to my blog & posted about giveaway! ;) &became a follower!
Thanks for the chance to win - how exciting!
i have just sign up to be a follower i would love that cartridge fingers crossed
Thanks for the chance to win this cartridge. I am a follower and I have added your blog blinkie to my blog...
Thanks Agian!!!!!
Would lve to win this!!!!!!!! I have the first doll cart and it is so much fun!!! Thanks for the chance!!!
This cartridge is AWESOME!!! I have the first one and have been DYING to get my hands on this one!! Thanks so much for the chance to win it!!
i would love to mwin this cartridge i have placed a order for winter wonderland and the gypsy
looking forward to using them
I am now following your blog. Thanks for a chance to win :)
i have added your blinky to my blog
please pick me i would love this cart
hi wow i am following your blog awesome giveaway thanks so much
i have put a link on my blog to your great giveaway
I'm a follower!
Love you site and great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity!
I am a follower and I don't even remember how I stumbled onto your blog but I love it!! Everyday paper dolls is definitely on my want list.
I'm loving all the great paperdoll options with this cart. Psst...pick me. :0) I'm following your blog now. I've read great reviews of your blog on the Cricut mb. Keep up the great work.
I have your blinkie on my blog!
What an adorable cartridge - I'd love to add it to my little collection and my kids would really enjoy it, too! : )
what a great cartridge
I am a follower
love your ideas
left a blinkie
Great Giveaway! I just learned about your site, became a follower and posted your giveaway on my blog. Thanks for the opportunity!
blogged about this givewaway
great blog and blog candy!! Thanks for the chance to win it! This was my first visit to your blog and I love it!!
I would love to have this cartridge. I have your blinkie on my blog:http://aikntoscrap.blogspot.com/
I am now a follower! :)
Oh and I went ahead and put a link in a post on my blog!
Love your blog. Looking forward to all the great information!
I just joined! What an awesome giveaway!!! thanks for chance to win.
I'm a new follower. What a great blog!!
I have just joined. Thank You for the chance to win
I am following!!
OMG! I said I wouldn't buy any more carts! Now I need to!!! Thanks for offering the chance to win it!
This is such a cute cart and I'd be thrilled to win it!
What a great cart to giveaway. Im loving your blog and have a blinkie on my blog for yours. Lisa Scrappingpinklady htt://lisasgreetingcards1.blogspot.com
#1 – Simply start following our blog
done this! I have been following you
thank you sooo much for this giveaway
#2 – Place a link to our blog and/or website or one of our blinkies
done this...the blinkie looks sooo cute on my blog!
#3 – Blog about our giveaway with a link on your blog and/or forum
I got that done also posted how awesome your service is ...since I have ordered from you in the past!
there is my 3 entrys now to decide which cart I want to pre order!
thank you so much!
I've got a feeling that I'll win this awesome cart. Don't ask me why. I just think I should win it. LOL. It's totally adoreable!
Opps....I guess I should leave my contact info in case I win. I wish I would win this awesome cart. It's just so sweet and adoreable.
I hope I win this cartridge. I already use the other Paper Dolls cartridge quite a bit for my daughters bulletin board at her dance studio.
So excited for this cartridge!
tHNAKS FOR THE CHANCE, hope to see you guys this weekend at the sale!!!
I am so excited! I am a follower, your blinkee is on my blog, and I am in the process of posting about you as we speak.
Thanks for the opportunity, you have a WONDERFUL store!
--Gracie from Imagine That (everythingcricut.blogspot.com), email saigegrace@live.com
I placed my order. Order #1866
Just found your blog and am now a follower. Would love to have a chance to win and am just off now to add your blinkie to my site.
I can't wait til this cartridge comes out in stores.. Thanks for the chance of winning it.. =D
I want this one really bad!!!!! Thanks for the chance to win it!
Oh yea! I so want this cart! The first PDDU is AWESOME! i can only imagine how great this one will be too! Following you with google reader now!
I am now a follower and have your blinkie on my blog! This looks like a great cart!
Thanks for the chance to get it!
This cartridge looks awesome! It would be wonderful for all my preschoolers! I'd love to win. Thanks!
I would love to win that cartridge. I coould make great pages for my grandchildren!
What an awesome giveaway! Here is a link to my post about your giveaway http://www.cricut.com/messageboard/tm.aspx?m=5079038&mpage=1&key=�
WOOHOO! How I love everything Cricut. Own many many cartridges but none like Paper Dolls. As always JuJu Bee's has done it again. I shop here often and get great prices on cricut cartridges.
Thanks JuJu Bees
I would love to win this cartridge.
This is definitely a must have cart. I cannot wait till it comes out. Thanks for sharing :-)
This cart looks like so much fun... I would love to win it!!
Love your blog...
OOOPPPS... I put the wrong email in...I guess i was excited about the chance to win!! Thanks
Thanks for the chance to win this awesome cartridge. Love your blog - became a follower.
jhmiller07 at gmail dot com
I added your blinkie to my blog - thanks for the awesome giveaway.
I just joined and I can't wait 'til I win this cart!!! Thank you sooooo much in advance! You're my new best friend.
Thanks for a chance to win! This cart looks awesome!
Karen S.
married05 on Cricut.com
Wow !This is great. I love to have this. It has great outfits for the dolls.
nice blog site; I would love to win this cart
awesome! I (now) follow your blog thru Google reader. =)
I am hopefully buying a Cricut right away (I know, I am behind LOL). Thanks for the chance to win!!
I'm a beginner to all this and would LOVE this cartridge for my new Cricut! Thanks
Penny :)
I just added your blinkie to my blog, www.ascrapbooknook.com. Thanks for the chace to win this awesome new cart!
What a nice give away! I just found your site through nanne's creation. I have added to favorites. thanks! glasslyn@live.com
Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for the chance to win this great cartridge!
I just finished making paper dolls with my daughter using PDDU and she is just as excited about the new cartridge as I am. I think I have created a monster. :)
I blogged about your giveaway here:
I'm following!!! JuJu Bee's is awesome.
I am now following your blog.
I have put your blinkie on my blog:
I have written a post about your giveaway:
provocraft just keeps outdoing itself. another good one!
I'm a Follower now! Just found your blog and I'm likin' it!
Judy P
Wow, now this is amazing blog candy! I love my old PDDU cart but this one looks like too much fun not to have. eileen xoxo
Your blinkie is on my blog at
The newest Paper Do;; cartridge looks fantastic!! It is a must have cartridge. I would love to be your winner
This looks like an awsome blog - I am a follower now. I would love to win a cartridge too. Cool ideas and free stuff - LOVE IT.
Oh draw me, draw me!! I love those little people on the cartridge.
Mary Ann
what an awesome give away! here is a link to the post on my blog http://scrapcandydesigns.blogspot.com/2009/08/cartridge-give-away.html and i became a follower too!
Ooooo I want this cartridge! I am a follower. I added the blinkie to my blog and I also blogged about your gireaway!!! I've ordered from you before and had such a wonderful experience! Thanks!
This cartridge is adorable! Cannot wait to see it in person. Thanx for the chance to win!
I am now a follower! Thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for the chance to win this cart (it was already on my must have list). I posted a link and your blinkie on my blog and signed up as a follower.
I'm a follower!
Tamara Bennett
I blogged!
Tamara Bennett
I posted a blinkie
Tamara Bennett
Got the blinkie!
Oh how fun! The original paper dolls cartridge is my favorite so Iknow this one will be awesome also!!!! Yeah...a chance to win one!! Thanks so much!
Hi. I left a link to your post on my blog at http://live4scrappin.blogspot.com. Yeah!!!
I'm so glad I found your blog. I've just become a follower.
Just blogged about your blog and generous giveaway. Thanks.
I would love to win this cartridge! It's awesome!
I would love to win this cartridge. I have the first Paper Dolls cartridge and I love it.
Awesome ! I'm a follower!
I added your blinkie to my blog.
And I blogged about the giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
I want to win this , I want to win...
thank you for the chance..
I forgot to say, I left a link on my blog.. so do I get two chances to win? and I am going to sign up to be a follower, does that give me 3 chances to win?????non2@sbcglobal.net
Love,love,love to win this cart!! Thanks
What a wonderful opportunity :)
I would love to win this for my lil sister!!!
I am a follower and I have added your link to my sidebar ;)
Thank you for the chance to win!!!
I am such a fan of cricut cartridges and would love to have the paper doll cartridge too. In fact I would love to have ALL of them. What a nice dream.
awesome giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win. I love this cart.
You have a very nice blog. I wish I had a blog to link to but I do not. I will tell my friends to check out yours though. Thanks for sharing your work.
I just found your site and WOW! I've become a follower, added your blinkie to my site and left a post at http://juliescraftcave.blogspot.com/
I'm following! I'm linking! You can see it on my blog at http://qtmomcreations.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the chance!
I LOVE the new Dolls Cartridge. I have two toddlers and would love adding these elements to their pages. Thanks for the giveaway!
WOW! What a great cartridge to have a chance to win! I love the original Paper Dolls cartridge and am SO glad they brought out another one! I think I love the cartridge for the extras on it as much as I love it for the dolls!
Thanks for the chance and keep up the good work!
I would LOVE to win this cartridge!!! I now follow the blog!
I added a link on the side of my blog!
I talked about it on my blog too!!!
Thank you for the chance to win this great cartridge. Love the paper dolls.
WOW!!!! What an awesome giveaway!!! I love paper dolls!!!
Just signed up to follow your blog. Great stuff on here. Looking forward to all your posts.
Love this cartridge. Would love to win it!
Can it get any better than Everyday Paper Dolls? Oh yeah, getting it for free!! Thanks for having this give-away!
How awesome!! LOVE this cartridge!!!!
Sara Wise
LOVE your blog! What beautiful designs and great challenges.
oh, and the cart giveaway is awesome too!! :)
Can't wait to see Everyday PD!!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I finally got back to comment. glad to see that the comment section is working now.
I love this cartridge. My DGD and I have so much fun with the first one.
Thanks for a chance to win.
Sorry I won't be able to make your great sale on 8/15/09. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great cartridge.
This is one of my MUST haves on my list! Thank you for the chance to win it!! WOOHOO!
Just signed up to follow your blog, looks very interesting, I'd love to win a paper doll cartridge, thanks for the opportunity.
Thank you for an awesome opportunity to win this cartridge,
Great blog!
How exciting! Thanks for the opportunity!
love the looks of this one. thanks for the chance. I am a follower and added it to my sidebar
What a great giveaway!! Thanks for the opportunity!!
What an awesome cartridge.. Great website, just luv u guys.. Thanks for all the great deals
Wow what a great cartrage!
What a lovely cart to win and what generosity Julia shows by allowing us the chance to win this cart. Fingers crossed I am lucky.
I have posted a blog blinkie on my blog!
I have posted a JuJu Bee's Corner Blinkie on my blog!
I have a Blog post linking this to my blog at www.ScrappinCricut.blogspot.com
Here is the link!
I am crossing my fingers here! Following you, thanks for the opportunity!
Hi, thanks for doing a giveaway!
I am following, added a blinkie and blogged it :) http://southernchevygirl.blogspot.com/
Awesome blog and blog candy! I'm following you now and I'm off to add your blinky!
Would love to win this cartridge!
I love PDDU and would love to add this one to my collection as well. Thanks for the contest.
I would love to get my hands on this cart. I am now proud to say I am a follower!
You are giving away a great cartridge! I am hoping to get my hands on this one so that I can make my grandkids paper dolls. Adn abc book so they can learn about all of us now that we are in different areas of the country. thank you for your generosity!
Tucson, Az
I would love to win this cartridge. I am now a follower.
I just purchased and received my 3 carts that I needed to complete the Cricut line as of today. THANK YOU soooo much!!!! You definitely have #1 Customer Service!! I didn't realize you had a blog until I read it on someone else's blog.. I would definitely LOVE to win this cart, I really want it this one too... I am now a follower to a great blog (store) with GREAT Customer Service!! Thanks again
I'm a follower now :) Great contest & great blog!!
New follower! Love it and what a great cartridge to win. Thanks
Wow!! this looks so easy for a beginner like myself I can certainly say I will purchase If I dont win.:)
Great blog, love the music. Thanks for the chance to win
First time here just found this site and am very happy to be here!So many talented people out there, just love it. Angela(nana220@aol.com)
This looks like an awesome cartridge. Thanks for such a great giveaway! Looking forward to your challenges.
Melissa B
What an awesome giveaway!
I am enjoying this site. I'm a follower now, Yeah I figured out how to do it. Thanks for the chance to win an awsome cartridge.
Thanks for a chance to win a cart. I love your blog! I added it to my favorites and I became a follower.
Yeah! Comments are up and running...
Thanks for the chance at a cart I've been wanting forever! Oh- and LOVE the blog!
What an awesome blog...very cute!! Love the music, thats great, would love to do that to mine!! Needless to say I will be following your blog now!! Thanks for the chance to win the awesome new cartride...I would love to use it with my kids!! ~Ashley
I added your blinkie to my blog. Thank you so much for running this contest. Good luck to everyone that has entered (hope I win :-) )
Thanks for doing this contest! I am now a follower of your blog and I also added our blinkie to mine.
Thanks again!
Great Blog. This would be a great addition to my newly started collection.Im new to the scrapbook world and blogs. thanks for the chance to win!!!!!
This is one of my favorite cartrige. I would never stop playing with it. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway.
I am soooo excited for this cart! Thanks for this opportunity! I have linked you to my blog! www.jenny-outofmymind.blogspot.com
I would love to win this cartridge. Thanks for the chance.
Awesome! I have 4 girls... paper dolls would be a huge hit!I'm following!
I created a link to your cricut cartridge blog candy giveaway, became and follower and here is the comment, that's 3 outta 4 right? ha
LOVE the new paper doll cart!!!
I never win anything! It would be soo awesome if i win!
Thank you for this great give away! Whenever anyone asks if they need a Cricut I say "YES! Everyone NEEDS a Cricut!
Hey sandy here! Just signed up to follow your blog! Hope I get lucky and get the new cart. Thanx for the opportunity!
my blog
wonderful site. My Grandkids and I love PDDU. This would make us all happy crafters. So from the Kids and myself thank you for such a great giveaway
itchymofich is our little hot DOG
I love this blog. I've already found some GREAT ideas, and am headed over to shop!
What a great giveaway. This would be so much fun to win. Good luck everybody!
I'm a follower!
I put a blinkie on my blog & became a follower too! This is a great giveaway! I'm new to cricut. I don't even have mine yet so this would be great to get a free cartridge! Love your blog. I'm new to this too.
I just became a follower! great site! thanks for putting myname in the hat....
Lorene H
I love this cartridge already, cant wait for the second one. It is a got to have
Hooray!!! This is so exciting!
Angela Dyk
I'm already a follower of your blog and Ihttp://sharonsfamilylife.blogspot.com/2009/08/juju-bees.html posted on my blog here
I am a follower! Thanks for this exciting chance to win!
I have just become a follower. I would love to win the cartridge and have something new to play with.Thanks for the chance to win.
I love the first paper dolls cartridge and heard this one is even better. Thanks for the chance to win.
Wow! What a great giveaway! This cart is definately on my wish list. I am off to post on my blog...scrapbooknut2002.blogspot.com
Following your blog! Thanks
Awesome candy! I'm a follower now. please count me in and draw my name. ;-)
Your site is wonderful! Count me in too! I jsut love to see the various things that others offer us scrappers...ideas, ideas, ideas! I have the original Paper Dolls cart and just love it. I can't wait to see if I could be the winner, if not then I will just have to purchase it, soon!
Tiffanie born2instruct@yahoo.com
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